
Why Businesses Should Deliver All of Their Online Learning on a Single Platform
February 3, 2023

The modern workforce is becoming increasingly digital, and with that shift comes a need for new and innovative approaches to employee training and development. Companies are turning to online learning as a way to provide their employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the fast-paced, constantly evolving business world. However, for many businesses, delivering all of their online learning on a single platform can be a challenge.


There are many benefits to consolidating all of a business's online learning onto one platform. The first and most obvious is convenience. When all of a company's training and development resources are stored in one place, employees have access to everything they need from one central location. This eliminates the need for employees to search through multiple platforms or sources to find the information they need. Fleetroot states that a centralized platform “improves safety, enables efficiency (report generation, usage, sharing data), streamlines usage (various levels of access based on needs), and gives company management holistic control over the entire range of operation [1].”

Increased Efficiency

Another benefit of having all online learning on one platform is increased efficiency. When employees have to navigate multiple platforms, they can waste a significant amount of time trying to find the right resources. This can be frustrating and can lead to a lack of engagement with the training materials. By consolidating all online learning into one platform, companies can reduce the time employees spend searching for the information they need and increase their overall engagement with the training materials. RSM reports that by implementing a single platform solution, they were able to streamline operations and experienced an overall increase in productivity [2].

Improved Quality

Consolidating online learning onto a single platform also helps to improve the overall quality of the training materials. When all of the resources are in one place, it is easier for businesses to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. This can lead to more accurate assessments of the learning outcomes and a more targeted approach to employee development. Additionally, businesses can make more effective use of data and analytics to track employee progress and adjust their training programs accordingly. Kitaboo states that implementing cloud-based platforms (which are typically stored in a centralized location) for sales training boosts content quality [3].

Higher Levels of Collaboration and Communication

Another important benefit of having all online learning on a single platform is improved collaboration and communication. When employees have access to a centralized platform for training and development, they can share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions about the materials. This helps to build a sense of community among employees and can lead to more effective learning outcomes.

Streamlined Processes

Finally, delivering all of a business's online learning on a single platform helps to streamline the training and development process. When all of the resources are in one place, it is easier for businesses to manage the training programs and track the progress of employees. This can help to reduce the time and resources required for training and development and allow businesses to focus on their core activities.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to delivering all of a business's online learning on a single platform. From convenience and efficiency to improved quality and collaboration, a centralized platform can help businesses to achieve their goals more effectively and efficiently. By taking advantage of these benefits, companies can stay ahead of the curve and provide their employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the modern workforce.

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At Amesite, we are not just a software provider. We consider ourselves to be business Partner offering solutions for companies, museums, and universities that generate lasting impact and make the world a better place. To learn more about how we can help you to offer innovative solutions and support your change management efforts, explore our case study with EWIE Group of Companies!


