
Teaching the Next Generation of Farmers: How Education Is the Key to a Robust and Diverse American Agriculture Sector
December 9, 2022

There was a time when most farmers learned their trade from their parents or grandparents, but today's technology is moving fast, and American farmers need a new approach so that all generations of farmers can leverage tech advances.

The impact on the nation and world cannot be overstated – more efficient food production with reduction on impacts on the environment are essential global economic and environmental needs. The way to achieve both is through continuing training and education.

The U.S. Agriculture supports innovation and technology learning, enabling farmers to be competitive – and to sustain our own nation and many others. Learn how upskilling is critical to the industry and how it can be delivered online.

1. Agriculture is a technology business

The global smart agriculture market is expected to grow from $12.4 billion in 2020 to $34.1 billion by 2026 [1]. This growth is enabled by increased farm productivity, improved resource efficiency and reduction of waste. Farming today requires skilful use of technology, whether this involves the use of drones to track crop health or smart sensors in irrigation systems. It is critical that the next generation of farmers are adequately trained and educated in these technologies.

By taking advantage of technological benefits like those offered by the Internet of Things (IoT), farmers have the potential to shift their operations into a new gear [2]. Studies show that farmers who use the latest tools and incorporate IoT are more profitable than their peers. In fact, according to research published by HPE, an average farm using IoT saw a 1.75% rise in crop yields and a reduction of $13 to $7 per acre in energy cost, not to mention an 8% decrease in water usage for irrigation [3].

 2. Online tech training for farmers is key

The future of agriculture will not just be determined by the hard work of farmers, but also by their technological know-how. The key to success is providing equitable technology training access that is both timely and efficient. Online platforms are critically important in achieving this goal and provide an extra layer of assurance for more diverse participation and engagement among individuals across socio-economic lines. A study by the Brandon Hall Group showed that eLearning takes 40%-60% less employee time than traditional learning methods [4]. This is important because farmers, as a group, are often on the move and extremely busy.

The most effective approach is to combine eLearning with hands-on field training. This approach helps to achieve the goal of teaching up-and-coming farmers how to best leverage technology in order to produce more food to feed more people [5].

3. How to help train the next generation of American farmers

The U.S. Agriculture industry has a long and storied history of sustaining the country and feeding the world, but today it needs to adopt cutting-edge approaches to remain competitive and viable. As resources become scarcer and demand rises, innovative technologies are essential for efficient production and delivery of agricultural goods.

To ensure that the future of farming remains vibrant and sustainable, it is imperative that we continue to invest in education. The U.S. Agriculture sector has enormous potential for growth and sustainability, but one of the main barriers that stands in its way is a lack of training for professionals in the field. Aggregating resources to provide comprehensive training and education to agriculture professionals is critical if we want our agriculture sector to reach its fullest potential.

Higher education teams are swiftly recognizing the value of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to streamline their operations without needing massive amounts of startup capital while still delivering highly secure solutions. According to research carried out by eCampus News approximately 80% of universities are now utilizing SaaS applications, such as AI-powered online learning ecosystems, to achieve new levels of success for their learners [6].

By committing to cost-effective and secure SaaS solutions, universities have the potential to venture into unexplored avenues of efficiency, productivity, and progress— revolutionizing higher education from within.

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that the future of agriculture hinges on technological innovation. In order to help train the next generation of farmers and ensure the continued success of the agricultural industry, it is imperative that the power of online training platforms be brought to bear. By providing easy access to high-quality training and education and combining this with hands-on field experience, we can help cultivate the next generation of innovative and successful agricultural professionals. And in so doing, we can help to ensure the future of farming for generations to come.

At Amesite, we are creating a vision for the future of learning that empowers institutions to reach their goals and fulfill their mission like never before. Our technology helps make shared access to training simple and efficient while allowing each school to retain its distinct brand identity. Throughout the industry, Amesite has become synonymous with reliability: we have been chosen time and time again to partner with renowned universities and organizations like CUNY, Central Michigan, and NAFEO. As a leading provider of customizable course-authoring technologies, we make it easy for educational professionals to unlock increased productivity and better learning outcomes for their learners.

If you're looking to support the future of agriculture and empower learners with the tools they need for success, schedule a free demo of our cutting-edge learning platform today.







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