
Importance of Durable ("Soft") Skills for Professionals
August 2, 2022

Training on hard skills (also known as technical skills) have long been lauded because they increase employee productivity and efficiency. Yet, research shows that the biggest boon to professions is actually in training on soft or durable skills. Technical and domain-specific skills can be quickly replaced, but durable skills — conflict management, professional communications, and the ability to work with diverse groups — are forever. When your organization utilizes a SaaS partner to train on these skills, you equip your employees for success.

1. Durable skills are highly valuable to companies

Durable skills are often overlooked because the benefit of training can be difficult to measure. Some common durable skills include communication, creativity, leadership, growth mindset, character, fortitude, critical thinking, collaboration, and so many more.

However, if you spend the time investing in these skills, the ROI is hard to miss. A study conducted by MIT Sloan found that a 12-month soft skills training program resulted in a roughly return on investment within 8 months of its conclusion [1]. This boost came from an increase in worker productivity, improved attendance, and amplified retention.

2. Employers and universities must confer these skills

Nearly 3 in 4 employers say they have a hard time finding graduates with soft skills for their company [2]. The Society of Human Resource Management found that 51 percent of its members said that education systems have done little or nothing to address the durable skills shortage [3]. LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report stated that 89 percent of recruiters stated that when a hire doesn’t work out, it’s typically because they lacked soft skills [4].

Simply put, durable skills are known to be employer must-haves. It’s time we train our workforce accordingly.

Universities can upskill their students by assigning projects requiring leadership, writing skills, and time management. That said, it's critical to remember that durable skills won’t be successfully conferred in a one-and-done format. No single webinar or panel discussion will teach a student or employee soft skills. The best methods are flexible, short, and frequent. Online learning is considered one of the best types of training because it provides dialogue simulation that allows students and employees to practice the skills they’re learning.

3. A partner who understands the needs of both should be utilized

Employers and universities can’t do it alone. To confer these skills to their learners, they must work with a SaaS partner to provide a stellar online experience. Online learning can serve both universities and employers well. In the office, 58 percent of employees prefer self-paced training while 77 percent of online students who have studied in a classroom prefer their online experience [5].

After all, when 42 percent of job applicants don’t meet skill requirements, but 82 percent of companies are willing to hire and train the candidate who lacks the required skills, it pays to have a great partner on your side [5].

Do you want to instill durable skills in your learners? A high-quality Learning Community Environment that partners with you to upskill professionals is a must in today’s market. Amesite delivers tech that supports all kinds of learning and brings expertise, technology, partnership, and results to L&D teams!

Learn more about our partnership with Michigan Works! Southeast to see this in practice.






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