
How Universities Can Drive ROI with Online Offerings
February 8, 2023

Universities have long been seen as a safe investment, offering a reliable return on investment (ROI) for students. In recent years, however, universities have encountered a new challenge in the form of online learning. This has created a need for universities to adapt to the changing landscape and explore how they can use online offerings to increase their ROI.

Online learning comes with a number of advantages for universities. For starters, it has the potential to reduce overhead costs associated with physical campuses and facilities. This can be a boon for universities, as it can free up resources for other areas of the university. Additionally, online learning provides students with more flexibility in terms of when and where they can study, making it easier for students to balance their studies with other commitments. Forbes recently listed flexibility as a top benefit of pursuing online learning, stating “online learning platforms…bring students from all over the world together at the tap of a screen, providing an engaging and tactile experience where students feel connected to the material and to their classmates, despite lack of proximity [1].” Finally, online learning can enable universities to reach a wider audience than is traditionally possible with a single physical campus.

In order to capitalize on these advantages, universities must develop sophisticated online learning strategies. First and foremost, universities need to ensure that their online offerings are high quality. This means investing in technology, such as online learning platforms, that are reliable, user-friendly and up-to-date. Additionally, universities should strive to create a learning environment that is engaging and interactive, so that students can easily access and interact with course material, and participate in regular short exams more frequently. A Harvard Study reported that adopting these short, regular examinations reduced student distraction, quadrupled note-taking, and enhanced overall content recall [2].

Universities should also strive to create a personalized learning experience for their students. This could include tailoring course material to individual student needs, providing tailored support to students, and offering virtual class sessions. By doing so, universities can increase student engagement and satisfaction, which can in turn lead to increased enrollment and overall ROI.

Finally, universities should focus on leveraging data to inform their decisions. By collecting and analyzing data on student performance, universities can gain insight into which strategies are effective and which ones need to be improved. With this insight, universities can develop strategies that are tailored to their individual needs and maximize their ROI. eLearning Industry states that the “integration of analytical tactics into eLearning has opened a new space for innovation, that can provide educators and learners with quick feedback on learning processes [3].”

Overall, online learning presents a unique opportunity for universities to drive ROI. By investing in high-quality online learning platforms and creating a personalized learning experience for their students, universities can capitalize on the potential of online learning and maximize their ROI.

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Amesite is more than just a software provider or a vendor; we are a Partner. We’ve already collaborated with several universities, most notably the Wayne State University College of Engineering, with great success (read the case study here). Let us work with you, too, and be your advocate while fundraising to support your University’s digital learning strategy.


