
How to Obtain a Great Letter of Recommendation
June 21. 2024

Letters of recommendation play a crucial role in college applications. According to Peter Wilson, dean of college admissions at the University of Chicago in Illinois, they give admissions officers a "third dimension" as to who students are as individuals. These letters offer a unique perspective on a student's character, work ethic, and achievements, providing a personal testimony to their capabilities beyond just grades and test scores. In this blog, we'll explore practical steps to ensure you obtain the best recommendation letter.

Choose the Right Recommender

The first step in securing an effective recommendation letter is choosing the right recommender. Ideally, this person has known you in a capacity where they can provide specific examples of your strengths and contributions. For students, this could be a teacher, counselor, or coach. According to a National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) survey, 40.5% of college admissions officers rated recommendation letters as "moderately important" in college admissions.

When selecting your recommender, consider the depth of your relationship. Can they speak to your leadership and commitment? The more intimately a recommender knows your achievements and growth, the more genuine and impactful their letter can be.

Prepare Your Materials

Once you have identified your recommender, help them help you. Provide them with a comprehensive portfolio of your work. This might include your resume, transcripts, a list of relevant projects, and a summary of your future goals. Additionally, sharing a draft of your personal statement or application essays can give them a clearer idea of how you present yourself to the admission committee.

This preparation makes the process easier for your recommender and ensures that the letter aligns well with your overall application narrative, reinforcing your key attributes and aspirations.

Timing is Key

Timing can play a critical role in ensuring the quality of your recommendation letters. A letter should be requested well in advance—preferably at least one month before the deadline. This courtesy gives your recommender ample time to reflect on your achievements and compose a thoughtful, detailed letter. According to College Board, the start of your senior year is an excellent time to ask teachers for recommendation letters, especially if you're applying for early decision.

Specificity and Examples

When discussing your request with potential recommenders, be specific about what you hope they will include. For instance, a teacher who can discuss your scientific understanding and dedication to research would be ideal if you are applying to a science program. Encourage them to include specific instances where you demonstrated critical skills or qualities, as these concrete examples often resonate strongly with selection committees.

Follow Up and Show Gratitude

After your recommender has agreed to help you, keep them updated on your application process, and don't hesitate to remind them as the deadline approaches gently. Once the letter is submitted, thank them for their time and effort—regardless of the outcome. A handwritten thank-you note can go a long way in showing your appreciation and maintaining a good relationship.


A great letter of recommendation is a well-crafted endorsement of your personal and academic strengths. By thoughtfully selecting recommenders, providing them with detailed information, and respecting their time, you can significantly enhance the quality of your recommendations. Remember, these letters can provide a crucial edge in college admissions, offering admissions committees a holistic view of your character.

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