
Five Practices in Establishing Positive Relationships with Faculty
May 22, 2024

Navigating the transition from high school to college can be daunting, but it presents a unique opportunity for students involved in college summer programs. Establishing a positive relationship with college professors can significantly enhance your academic and professional journey. Here are five essential practices to help you build effective relationships with your college instructors. 

1. Practice Good Communication 

Effective communication is the bedrock of any successful relationship. According to U.S. News & World Report, it's not just about sharing personal details but about being open about significant aspects of your life that might affect your academic performance. This proactive approach to communication, such as informing your professor about health or family issues, can help them understand your situation better and provide the necessary support. Regular, clear, and respectful communication not only builds trust but also demonstrates your commitment to the relationship and your studies. 

2. Be Proactive in Seeking Guidance 

Faculty members possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, not only in academic subjects but also in navigating career paths within their field. According to a Harvard University blog, talking to a professor includes the following advantages:  

  • Your professor can recommend more reading or review material which can strengthen your grasp of course concepts.  
  • It can help you learn more about an academic field or a career. By establishing a positive relationship with a professor, you have a chance to answer broader questions about entering their field or pursuing alternative career options. 
  • It can open the door to getting a reference letter for an internship or job. Building a relationship with a professor early on will make it easier to ask for support like a reference letter later.  
  • It is a networking opportunity that may help you get a job one day. Not only can you ask about an academic field or career options, but your professor may know of internships, research and job opportunities for you to explore outside of your courseload. 

3. Show Appreciation and Respect 

Showing appreciation and respect for your professor's time and efforts is a key element in building a positive relationship. Being mindful of their schedule and availability, and expressing gratitude for their time and assistance, can make a significant difference. Simple gestures like saying thank you after a meeting, sending a brief thank-you email or even better, a written note, and showing enthusiasm for the course material can make your interactions more rewarding and memorable for both you and your professor. This positive atmosphere can encourage your professor to continue supporting you in your academic journey. 

4. Engage Actively in Academic and Extracurricular Activities 

Active engagement demonstrates your enthusiasm and commitment to learning. Participate in discussions, ask insightful questions, and contribute meaningfully to group projects. This enriches your learning experience and makes you a visible and dedicated student in the eyes of faculty members. Professors who are passionate about their subjects and eager to see genuine interest in their students notice and often appreciate such engagement. 

5. Establishing a Positive Relationship from the Start 

One of the significant long-term benefits of establishing a good relationship with your professor is the potential for networking. As the Harvard University blog notes, professors can be gateways to various opportunities such as internships, research projects, and even job placements. Building a solid relationship early on can make approaching them for reference letters or contacts within your field of interest easier. Faculty members often have extensive networks and can provide invaluable connections as you transition from high school to college and beyond. 


Building positive relationships with faculty during high school is an investment in your future. It enhances your immediate educational experience and opens up numerous personal and professional growth opportunities. By practicing good communication, seeking guidance, showing respect, actively engaging, and establishing a positive relationship from the start, you can create a supportive and enriching academic environment. Remember, your efforts in these relationships can shape your educational journey and influence your career trajectory for years. 

Introducing Amesite Explorer Seminars  

Amesite Explorer Seminars provide an exceptional platform for independent study, facilitated by direct interactions with leading faculty. Exclusively available through highly selective high schools and consultants, these seminars are designed to align with the latest faculty expertise, ensuring personalized and cutting-edge studies for each participant.   

By engaging in a supportive and intellectually challenging peer group environment, students not only advance academically but also build lasting relationships that are vital for future success.  

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