
Five Innovative Extracurricular Activities That Impress College Admissions
June 12, 2024

When it comes to standing out in college admissions, extracurricular activities can play a pivotal role. Colleges aren't just looking for academic achievers; they're seeking well-rounded students who have engaged meaningfully with their communities and passions. Here are five innovative extracurricular activities that can significantly enhance your college applications.

1. Entrepreneurship Initiatives

Starting a business or developing an entrepreneurial project showcases your leadership skills and ability to innovate and handle responsibility. Entrepreneurship can set you apart from your peers by demonstrating real-world skills like problem-solving, strategic planning, and perseverance. According to Forbes, entrepreneurship education has been directly tied to an increase in students' innovation, and a hands-on entrepreneurial experience may help applicants demonstrate the critical skills universities are fervently seeking.

How to Get Involved:

  • Launch a startup that addresses a local issue.
  • Create an online store or develop a product.
  • Participate in entrepreneurship competitions.

2. Environmental Advocacy

As global awareness of environmental issues grows, so does the value of activism in this area. Engaging in or starting environmental campaigns—such as local recycling initiatives, biodiversity projects, or climate change awareness—can impress admissions officers. Involvement in these activities shows a commitment to sustainable practices and leadership in tackling global challenges. According to Forbes, Ivy League and other top schools want to admit students involved in an individual initiative that uses their skills and passions for the good of their community and deepens their engagement with their field of interest.

How to Get Involved:

  • Join or lead an environmental club at your school.
  • Organize community clean-up days.
  • Partner with local businesses to promote sustainable practices.

3. Digital Arts and Media Production

With the digital age in full swing, digital media and production skills are more relevant than ever. Creating digital content such as videos, podcasts, or blogs displays creativity and technological proficiency. According to U.S. News & World Report, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other outlets can provide compelling visual support that mere words in a resume or essay cannot.

How to Get Involved:

  • Start a YouTube channel to share your passions or insights.
  • Produce a podcast discussing topical issues.
  • Take part in or organize digital media workshops.

4. Social Justice Projects

Participating in or initiating social justice projects demonstrates a commitment to equality and community welfare. This could involve organizing workshops, participating in or leading protests, or working with organizations that promote social equity. Colleges are looking for students who seek knowledge and actively work towards creating a more just society.

How to Get Involved:

  • Volunteer with local NGOs that focus on social justice.
  • Start a chapter of a social justice group in your area.
  • Organize awareness events or discussions at your school.

5. Advanced Research Projects

Engaging in advanced research projects, especially those leading to presentations at conferences or publications, shows a deep intellectual curiosity and commitment. Whether through science fairs, research internships, or independent studies, presenting well-documented research can make a powerful impact. Such involvement provides a practical application of classroom learning and positions you as a thought leader among your peers.

How to Get Involved:

  • Participate in science or academic competitions.
  • Apply for internships at research institutions.
  • Conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a mentor.


Colleges are looking for students who bring more than just good grades. By pursuing one or more of these innovative extracurricular activities, you develop skills that are valuable in both college and beyond and enhance your college applications. Remember, the key is to choose activities that genuinely interest you, as genuine passion is always the most persuasive attribute in college admissions.

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