
Choosing the Right Extracurriculars to Enhance Your College Application
June 17, 2024

When applying for college, students often think stellar grades and high test scores are all that matter. However, the role of extracurricular activities can't be underestimated. Engaging in meaningful extracurriculars enriches your high school experience and significantly strengthens your college application. This blog will guide you in choosing the right extracurricular activities to make your application stand out.

Why Extracurricular Activities Matter

Admissions officers look beyond academic achievements to get a complete picture of an applicant. Extracurricular activities show your interests and commitments, providing insights into your character, ethics, and what you might contribute to the college community. According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), 44.3 percent of college admissions officers rated extracurricular activities moderately necessary.

This statistic underlines the significance colleges place on seeing students as well-rounded individuals who engage actively with their community and demonstrate skills like leadership, time management, and social interaction.

How to Choose the Right Activities

1. Follow Your Passion

The most fundamental advice when selecting an extracurricular activity is to follow your passions. Whether it's sports, arts, volunteering, or science clubs, choosing an activity you are genuinely interested in ensures you will be more engaged and likely to excel. This genuine interest also translates into a more compelling narrative on your college applications, as passion is palpable and difficult to fake.

2. Seek Quality Over Quantity

It's a common misconception that stacking your resume with a vast number of activities is beneficial. Instead, colleges are increasingly focusing on depth rather than breadth. They prefer students who show commitment and achieve tangible results in one or two areas rather than minimal participation in several activities. Focus on activities where you can take on leadership roles or significantly impact.

3. Consider Longevity and Impact

Colleges value extracurriculars where students demonstrate commitment over time, which means sticking with an activity for over a few months. For instance, if you join a club, think about how you can contribute to its growth or undertake projects that leave a lasting impact. This shows persistence, growth in skills, and leadership—qualities highly valued by prospective students.

4. Align Activities with Future Goals

According to College Board, when choosing extracurriculars, keep these factors in mind:

  • Career paths you're considering
  • Your intended college major or minor
  • Any passions or hobbies you already enjoy

If you have a clear idea of your intended central or career path, aligning your extracurriculars with your academic goals can be particularly impactful. For instance, aspiring engineers might benefit from joining robotics clubs or participating in science fairs, while prospective journalism majors should consider writing for their school newspaper or blog.

Balancing Academics and Activities

While extracurriculars are essential, balancing them with your academic responsibilities is crucial. College admissions officers will not favor students whose extracurricular engagements have led to a decline in academic performance. It's about finding a healthy balance that allows you to excel in both areas without burning out.


Choosing the right extracurriculars for your college application is not just about picking the most popular or prestigious activities. It's about finding what genuinely interests you, dedicating yourself to it, and using it to develop and demonstrate your skills, commitment, and personality. Remember, the goal is to show colleges the best and most authentic version of who you are, both in and out of the classroom. So, choose wisely, engage deeply, and let your true self shine through in your college application.

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