
Five Ways That Recommendation Letters Can Make a Difference in College Applications
May 20, 2024

When applying to college, admissions officers consider many factors to assess your abilities and potential. According to Princeton Review, your GPA is the single most influential factor that any college will consider, and for schools that consider standardized test scores, those typically rank second in importance. However, it is crucial to approach your application holistically and ensure that every component is polished and reflects your best qualities. Among these details, recommendation letters hold significant value, providing depth and context that grades and test scores alone cannot capture. For example, college admissions offices use letters of recommendation to learn: 

  • What your talents are outside of grades and test scores.  
  • What you’re like in and outside of the classroom.  
  • How you work with others including teachers, mentors, coaches, and other students. 

Here are five more ways a well-crafted recommendation letter can make a substantial difference in your college application. 

1. Provide Personalized Insight into the Applicant's Character 

Recommendation letters offer a unique perspective on an applicant, providing invaluable insights into their character, which are essential for academic and social success in college. They give admissions officers a "third dimension" as to who students are as individuals, says Peter Wilson, dean of college admissions at the University of Chicago in Illinois 

"They tell us what a student is like and how they perform in their classroom and overall community," Wilson says. "They tell us how a student would interact with their peers, so they’re giving us a sense of, when you come to our campus, how are you going to interact with our faculty and what are you going to be like in a classroom setting?"  

Furthermore, according to College Board, selective private colleges tend to emphasize personal statements and essays, teacher and counselor recommendations, leadership experience, and the individual talents of applicants. At these schools, recommendation letters are not just formalities or secondary considerations but critical reflections of how a student is perceived by those who know them well professionally. 

2. Validate Academic and Extracurricular Achievements 

While your transcripts show grades, recommendation letters can tell the story behind those grades. They can contextualize specific achievements, elaborate on a student's intellectual curiosity, and validate the rigor of their coursework. This endorsement can be incredibly impactful if the recommender can discuss the student's specific contributions to projects or their leadership in clubs and activities. This deeper dive helps admissions officers see the applicant as a student and a proactive and engaged community member. 

3. Demonstrate the Applicant's Fit for the Program 

A well-chosen recommender can tailor their letter to emphasize aspects of a student's experience and character that align directly with the college's ethos or academic focus. For instance, a science teacher's letter detailing a student's perseverance and innovative spirit in lab experiments can be particularly persuasive for a STEM-oriented program. Here, the specificity of the recommender's insights can directly influence an admissions committee's perception of the student as a fitting candidate for their Program. 

Recommenders who are well-versed in the academic and cultural environment of colleges can further enhance the impact of their letters by commenting on a student's readiness for higher education. When a recommender understands the demands and expectations of a college-level curriculum, they can provide detailed examples of how the student is fully prepared to transition into it. This can be particularly compelling for admissions committees, as it reassures them of the student's ability to succeed and thrive within their institution. 

4. Offer Evidence of Soft Skills 

Colleges are increasingly seeking students who excel academically and possess soft skills. According to a recent Forbes article, here are five core traits that top colleges are looking for in students: 

  1. Unique Passion 
  1. Commitment to Community 
  1. Resilience and Teachability 
  1. Strong Communication Skills 
  1. Organization and Command of their Responsibilities 

In a survey administered by the National Association for College Admissions Counselors (NACAC), 70 percent of college admission officers said character traits were "considerably" or "moderately" important in their admissions decisions. Recommendation letters highlight these skills by providing real-world examples of how the student has demonstrated them, giving a more comprehensive view of their character and personality. 

5. Provide Advocacy in Close Decisions 

Admissions decisions can sometimes come down to minor distinctions among applicants. A strong recommendation letter can effectively advocate for the student's admission. If an admissions officer is wavering between two candidates, a persuasive letter that conveys a genuine and enthusiastic endorsement can tip the balance in favor of the applicant. This makes the letter not just a formality but a potentially decisive factor in the application process. 


Recommendation letters are more than formalities in the college application process; they are dynamic and influential documents that can significantly elevate a student's application. These letters can profoundly impact admissions decisions by offering personalized insights, validating achievements, demonstrating fit, showcasing soft skills, and serving as an advocacy tool. As such, choosing the right recommenders and ensuring they understand the importance of their task is crucial for applicants wanting to make the strongest possible impression on college admissions committees. 

In crafting a college application, remember that each piece is an opportunity to reveal another facet of who you are. Recommendation letters are no exception—they are a powerful tool to help illuminate your path to college admission. 

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