
3 Proven Pathways for Increasing Museum Engagement with Patrons – Digitally
May 12, 2022

Museums are rapidly adopting digital assets to increase engagement, drive revenue, and build impact across the globe. No longer must your patrons be physically present to enjoy the cultivated collections your institution has to offer. With “97% of Americans believing that museums are educational assets for their communities,” broadening your digital offering can not only provide valuable resources for visitors but increase reliable resources for the global community [1]. 

1. Make sure you offer learning experiences that complement museum visits

Visitors can broaden their learning with interactive, online visits. COVID-19 closed down nearly all museums, and “attendance remains down 38 percent from pre-pandemic levels” [2]. The collections you highlight should offer options that push the technology boundaries. Tech-savvy teens and tweens are introducing their parents to the benefits of technology and when it comes to tech colliding with culture, adults with children at home are between 33 and 52% more likely than those without to say that technology (wearable technology, online/video games, or virtual or augmented reality) would enhance a cultural experience [3]. Not only do you have the option to show the beautiful and original pieces you have, but hand-in-hand with technology, you can merge your visitors’ experiences. Whether this is using technology within the walls of your physical buildings, or creating a greater online experience, you will be more able to magnify your purpose in expanding cultural views.

2. Assure visitors your collections can be accessed digitally and on-demand

While many “museums show between 2 and 4 percent of a collection,” making your digitized collections available for viewing and engagement allows for more of your artifacts to be viewed, learned from, and appreciated [4]. Museums give visitors the chance to broaden horizons and learn how to understand life, situations, and other people’s world views. When asked where they would be most interested in having digital experiences, audiences ranked museums above all other cultural experiences [3]. With the variety of technology available to show, teach, and immerse, technology can showcase all your collections, even when space won’t allow you to put them on display.

3. Use a digital platform that is an all-in-one integrable solution for your museum

When it comes to your digital footprint, it is best to create a seamless experience for both engaged learners, as well as the white-glove experience you seek for donors. Putting your best foot forward for all involved parties makes the experience simple and straightforward. It is predicted that by 2022, the demand for integration across all business functions will depend on at least 30 integrated applications [5]. You need a platform that helps instruct, showcase, and gives patrons the most of what they are looking for from you. Make your museum’s digital experience just as memorable as the physical one. 

Conner Prairie chose to partner with Amesite to create a scalable, turnkey learning platform to teach and inspire the next generation of innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs. With over 400,000 visitors annually, Conner Prairie aims to provide these loyal patrons with a highly engaging and enriching digital learning experience.

Amesite is a leader in the industry with proven, flexible options that enable you to advance your entire digital strategy with solutions for learning, collections, and fundraising.  




