
Upskilling for the Future: The Urgent Need for Automotive Training
March 15, 2023

The automotive industry is facing a critical juncture. With the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, many companies are starting to see the need for upskilling their workforce. The challenge is that these rapid developments require large investments and technological expertise.

Rapid Technology Development

The need for upskilling in the automotive industry is becoming more urgent as electric vehicles become more mainstream. NPR reports that in the first few months of 2022, electric vehicle registrations increased by 60% [1]. The industry is not prepared for the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, and companies need to invest in the training of their workforce to keep up. CNBC states “as the number of EVs on the road increases, a workforce with the knowledge to fix and properly maintain them will be needed [2].”

Strategic Partnerships

One of the biggest challenges for upskilling is the cost. Training for safety and engineering requirements is expensive, and companies may not have the budget to invest in the necessary training. Deloitte reports that to help reduce the cost, companies are partnering with technology experts and even creating strategic partnerships with competitors to spread the cost of sophisticated technology developments [3]. Upskilling the present workforce is another way automotive companies can reduce costs while preserving key legacy knowledge.


Upskilling in the automotive industry is an urgent need. Companies need to invest in the training of their workforce to keep up with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology. One challenge is the cost of training, but companies can look to various strategies, as well as leveraging the existing workforce to reduce costs. This is the only way to ensure the automotive industry is equipped to handle the future.

Meet Amesite

At Amesite, we understand the urgent need for upskilling in the automotive industry. We can provide the technology expertise and innovative learning solutions that automotive companies need to quickly and cost-effectively upskill their workforce. With our customizable, AI-driven platform, we can help automotive companies keep up with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology and ensure their workforce is prepared for the future.

For more information, get a demo here.


