
Museums: How to Gain Internal Support for the Purchase of a Software Platform for Learning
December 2, 2022

Museums support over 726,000 jobs and contribute $50 billion to the economy, and that is just in the United States [1]. When you consider the incredible museums in Japan, England, and Russia, those numbers increase dramatically. Museums are members of an international organization of curators of the history of the world – that offers its citizens insights into the vibrant history, contributions, and culture of their regions. As global ambassadors, museums need the ability to deliver learning solutions digitally across the globe.

Finding a reputable provider of scalable, easy-to-use software platform ensures everyone, from operators to patrons to students, gets the best experience. All that is left is finding support to implement these changes into your museum system.

1. Museum SaaS for a Stress-Free Solution

The struggle with relying on legacy software solutions is that they cannot adapt to the current needs of consumers, or those solutions museums need to overcome modern-day challenges. Security is one of those roadblocks. Using outdated software is a massive security concern. As many museums rely on patron funding and maintaining customer data lists, a single intrusion could lead to years of financial and reputational losses.

Then you have to look at introducing mobile solutions into your systems. More than 90% of the world’s population uses smartphones or tablets to communicate with online resources [2]. If you want to appeal to these potential visitors, you have to meet them where they live – on their mobile devices.

Using the latest innovations in automation, organization, and digital integration ensures your museum runs efficiently and is able to take advantage of any new opportunities to remain vibrant and impactful.

2. Gaining Internal Supporters

This technological acceleration works to your advantage when soliciting new support for a potential change. You can directly address the needs of fellow board members or museum staff who may be hesitant to change. This lets you directly showcase how integrating a new learning platform will benefit them and the museum.

Data is a critical method in this process. For example, the City of Vancouver provides in-depth census data to support any changes it needs in budgetary concerns or operations [3]. That same idea can be applied to gaining your own support. Give direct evidence of how new software learning platforms will create revenue streams, streamline operations, create new efficiencies, and help museums run with greater automation, and you are bound to capture more supporters for your initiative.

3. The Software Vendor Can Help

A quality software vendor will help provide this information so you can secure more stakeholders in updating your museum learning software. This collaboration will demonstrate to the rest of your decision-making team how the software drives museum success for everyone involved.

Companies that integrate collaborative efforts receive five times the performance rating as their competitors [4]. The same is accurate for building collaboration between you and a software vendor. This sharing of information with supportive communication ensures everyone can be onboarded and the learning platform you wish to utilize is initiated quicker – opening the doors to more potential revenue streams.

Amesite has worked with many organizations, from businesses to colleges to museums. By integrating the innovative learning platform from Amesite, these companies experience a scalable solution to expanding their offerings while improving patron relationships. A recent Press Release of this example demonstrates the strong collaboration between Amesite and the Conner Prairie Learning Portal, where a new learning platform was created to increase access to the incredible exhibits.

A Software Partner that Cares

The difference between Amesite and other software providers in the marketplace is its commitment to partnership. Driving success through the considerable onboarding of learning software for your museum is easier when you work with an experienced team. Amesite listens to your concerns, maintains your branding, and uncovers solutions so you can support operations for generations to come. 

Schedule a consultation today and let the experienced team at Amesite help you bring in stakeholders so you can painlessly transition systems with 100% buy-in.





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