
How Businesses Can Deliver E-Learning that Works with Enterprise Software
October 20, 2021

Being competitive and relevant in any market today requires an effectively trained business workforce. Appropriate staffing isn’t just a number’s game - it’s about having the correct number of adequately trained employees. This workforce must have a sufficient skillset to efficiently use the tools in their workplace to create the business product and deliver the customer experience. The best method to properly train the workforce is a primary source of headaches for many businesses, especially now in the virtual or virtual hybrid workplace[1]. A 2021 survey by PWC found that 80% of CEOs are concerned about keeping employees’ skills up to date in current jobs while also training for the skills needed in tomorrow’s workplace[2].

This forecasting of future skilling is invaluable to prepare for developing the next generation of employees. It also contributes to a business’s ability to achieve goals and, by extension, increase employee retention and satisfaction. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average employee spent approximately 4.1 years at a given job[3]. That rate of attrition, regardless of industry, creates a black hole for businesses. When talent leaves, lost resources generate a vacuum. Employee turnover creates additional expenses for training and hiring new employees and ultimately creates dissatisfaction and lower morale for the employees who stay.

A Training and Learning Culture Partnered with the Right Tools is Key

The solution for achieving skilled workforce talent and creating a space where employees want to continue growing and thriving comes down to creating a company-wide training and learning culture[4]. Part of what comprises a meaningful training and learning company culture are the tools used. Having a training and learning culture partnered with the right technology creates security for the employees[5].

The pandemic exposed many gaps related to employee training. It also pushed to the forefront the positive impact of having E-learning tools and resources available to employees. Overnight, technology was called upon to deliver training and support upgrades to employee skills in virtually non-existing spaces[6]. E-learning is one of the most dynamic tools for so many industries to provide practical training.  Even better, the ability to tailor E-learning designs to the company's needs by building those designs in tandem with enterprise software creates a more sustainable and potent learning experience. E-learning is now the intelligent go-to for most learning needs and capabilities.

Since identifying how useful E-learning is in today’s workplace, the question becomes how to use E-learning to keep employees up to date with current skills, deliver engaging training at the right time, and successfully onboard new employees. Workplace learning environments require several attributes to ensure the employees’ continued achievements:  

  • AI + technology
  • Accessible and flexible
  • UX: ease of use
  • Engagement

Interactivity, flexible delivery (both from physical location and time-sensitive perspectives), realistic scenarios, and responsive learning environments[7], to name a few, are critical components of any competent learning design strategy. That learning solution will also require learners to build connections between existing knowledge and new or refreshed skills. Those connections form the foundation for adequately trained and supported employees who feel more confident in their work. That then creates higher employee job satisfaction and employee retention. 

Workplace training must satisfy several requirements from a learner, and a business needs perspective to be effective. Training in the workplace is not just about serving up required quarterly HR-compliance training for all employees to complete. Training in the workplace should incorporate enterprise systems and software to allow employees to meet performance goals. So, what does effective training look like in today’s workplace?

  • Training is partnered with enterprise software to deliver updates to employees to improve business acumen. Employees need to be trained regularly to feel successful and valuable in their daily jobs.[8]
  • Training is provided timely so that employees are empowered and have the tools to deliver that product sooner. Accurately identifying the skills that will edge out a competitor means an advantage in the market.

And lastly

  • Training incorporates flexibility with scheduling and E-Learning solutions that close the skills gap for employees. HBR recently published an article by Josh Bersin and Marc Zao-Sanders outlining how companies that recognize and respond to supporting their employees’ development leads to a boost in the bottom line[9].   

Learning theory aside, a business should be concerned with best leveraging technology in the learning workspace. Incorporating a partnership between enterprise software and E-learning is the best solution for building a strong workforce ready to take on many challenges in the future marketplace.

Some features that the learning technology toolkit should incorporate and pair with internal enterprise software include the following:

  • Efficiency in all systems: AI + technology provides this
  • Engagement: need to attract learners and build community
  • A value proposition that sets you apart: better online tools is a way to reach a broader audience and differentiate

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