
ChatGPT: The Next Calculator and Spellchecker in Higher Education
March 22, 2023

Calculators and spellcheckers have revolutionized the way students approach higher education. In this blog, we'll explore the history of these two technological advancements, how they changed higher education forever, and why ChatGPT should be embraced in higher education.

The Calculator

With the introduction of electronic calculators, students were able to perform complex calculations quickly and with greater precision. This changed the way students approached math and science courses, enabling them to solve problems more efficiently and accurately. As a result, calculators became an essential tool for students pursuing degrees in STEM fields.

Today, calculators are more sophisticated than ever before, with graphing calculators that can perform complex functions and even display graphical representations of data. They have become an indispensable tool for students in fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics, making higher education more accessible, and encouraging mathematical curiosity and conceptual understanding [1].

The Spellchecker

Prior to the invention of spellcheckers, students had to rely on their own knowledge and dictionaries to check their spelling, which was a time-consuming and error-prone process [2]. With the introduction of spellcheck software, students were able to catch spelling mistakes quickly and easily, allowing them to focus on the content of their writing rather than the mechanics.

Today, spellcheckers are built into most word processors, making them an essential tool for students in all fields of study. They have not only made the writing process more efficient but have also improved the quality of written work, helping students to communicate more effectively and professionally.

Impact on Higher Education

The impact of calculators and spellcheckers on higher education has been significant. These technological advancements have made it easier for students to perform calculations, catch spelling errors, and communicate effectively. They have also made higher education more accessible, enabling students to focus on problem solving and critical thinking.

What about ChatGPT?

ChatGPT will be no different. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help students learn more efficiently, become more creative, access new content, gain insights, save time and think more critically. ChatGPT will infiltrate every industry and students need to learn to use the technology to succeed professionally. Some faculty have already started to weave ChatGPT into their curriculum. From co-writing essays to comparing versions to strategizing inputs and outputs –these professors are positioning their students for success [3].

How do I learn more about Generative AI?

Amesite recently launched a free course on Generative AI and ChatGPT – the latest AI technology to take the world by storm. Amesite’s platform is integrated with GPT-3, the technology that powers ChatGPT, so you will learn about the technology while using it.

Register here to get started.


